XL grant for Renee Hoekzema and Inbar Klang

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded an ENW-XL grant of 3 million euros to a consortium of mathematicians including Renee Hoekzema and Inbar Klang. The other mathematicians are Gijs Heuts (UU), Lennart Meier (UU), Magdalena Kedziorek (RU), and Steffen Sagave (RU). Their project, titled "Symmetry on the interface of topology and higher algebra", will study symmetries in higher algebra in order to obtain new powerful structures in higher algebra, topology, and their applications to geometry and physics.
According to the NWO, the ENW-XL grants are aimed at curiosity-driven fundamental scientific research by consortia. The grant gives researchers the opportunity and freedom to start, strengthen, and/or expand world-class, groundbreaking, challenging and innovative lines of research within the research areas of the Domain Science.
Here is the NWO news item on this award: https://www.nwo.nl/en/news/64-million-euros-for-groundbreaking-fundamental-research-projects