Participation in NWA 'Emergence' consortium

An interdisciplinary consortium of mathematicians, physicists, chemists, and cosmologists has received 7.1 million euros from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to answer fundamental questions on the emergence of space, time and matter, from the smallest to the largest scales. The consortium is part of the program line 'Research along Routes by Consortia' (ORC) of the National Science Agenda (NWA).
CTA\(^2\) members Senja Barthel, Magnus Botnan, and Renee Hoekzema will be collaborating on four projects of the consortium:
Renee is collaborator in Origin and Emergence of Spacetime Symmetries, and Renee and Magnus are collaborators in New K-theoretic Invariants in Quantum Theory (hosted at Leiden/mathematics, in collaboration with UvA/physics).
Senja is collaborator in Phase transitions in active matter (hosted at Utrecht/physics in collaboration with UvA/chemistry, UvA/physics, AMOLF/Leiden/physics) and in the project Intelligent matter (hosted at UvA/mathematics, in collaboration with Leiden/physics).