One month of hypergraphs in London

Ginestra Bianconi (Queen Mary University of London), Heather Harrington (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), Ben Macarthur (The Alan Turing Institute; University of Southampton) and Raffaella Mulas (CTA\(^2\), VU Amsterdam) organized a one month event titled "Hypergraphs: Theory and Applications".
The event was funded by the Isaac Newton Institute of the University of Cambridge, and took place at the Alan Turing Institute, in London, from July 22 to August 16. Several members of the Mathematics Department of VU Amsterdam took part in this event and contributed with talks and lectures, including Magnus Botnan and Lies Beers from CTA\(^2\).
Hypergraphs: Theory and Applications - Isaac Newton Institute
Graphs and hypergraphs are mathematical objects that consist of sets of nodes or vertices that are connected to each other by edges. In the case of graphs,…